Book Review


By Laurell K. Hamilton

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This second entry in the Meredith Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton about a magical and sensual world populated with the Fey expands upon the strong showing of Kiss of Shadows.  Merry and the crew are trying to protect the life of beautiful Hollywood actress Maeve Reed, a real spell-binding lovely who is secretly a Seelie goddess.  Maeve's life is in grave danger from those forces in the Fey world who wish to keep her from conceiving a child.  Merry is trying to keep Maeve and her husband alive with the help of the other members of the Los Angeles detective agency where she works.

Queen Andais, the Queen of Air and Darkness has told her niece, Merry, that she must conceive a child in order to remain alive, for the Queen desperately needs an heir to the unSeelie throne.  Fey have not been very lucky in having offspring in quite a while.   Further, Merry must become pregnant before her evil cousin, Prince Cel, either fathers an heir of his own or succeeds in his plots to murder Merry, ending her attempt to do so.

Queen Andais has assigned several likely candidates to serve as bodyguards and lovers to Mary to assist in her quest.  The ensuing menage creates both erotic and humorous complications in abundance.

Ms Hamilton's imagination is boundless in describing the inhabitants of this world, combining the mundane with the magical.   L.A. freeway traffic jams and mythical monsters; high rise apartment living and proud goblins - all blended in the same book and making perfect sense.  A Caress of Twilight is a romping, stomping read with all the elements for a great entertainment.  Whether you are looking for romance or action, humor or pathos, there is truly something for everyone here. 

Thanks, Ms Hamilton, for keeping this series fresh and imaginative.  Can't wait for number three!


Carol Abbott, Reviewer




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