Victorian Girl with Cat background - 40 KB

When I made these backgrounds, I was not able to make transparent gifs, so all the buttons and banners must be used on this background or there will be lavender borders.


Here are a selection of Logos to display on your site on the page where you use the background and graphics


girlcatheartCPLogo2.jpg (9295 bytes) girlcatheartCPLogo1.jpg (8925 bytes)



girlcatheartsmallCPLogo1.gif (4457 bytes)

this logo is transparent



girlcatheartCPLogo3.jpg (8667 bytes)
girlcatheartwelcome2.jpg (32308 bytes)


girlcatheartback1.jpg (3374 bytes)  

girlcathearthome1.jpg (3603 bytes)


girlcatheartnext1.jpg (3335 bytes)
girlcatheartline1.jpg (9382 bytes)


girlcatheartsign1.jpg (3446 bytes)


girlcatheartview1.jpg (3331 bytes)


girlcatheartline3.jpg (12849 bytes)



girlcatheartback2.jpg (8703 bytes)



girlcathearthome2.jpg (8701 bytes)



girlcatheartnext2.jpg (8673 bytes)


girlcatheartline5.jpg (12271 bytes)

girlcatheartsign2.jpg (9123 bytes)



girlcatheartview2.jpg (9125 bytes)


girlcatheartline7.jpg (10375 bytes)



girlcatheartback3.jpg (7459 bytes)


girlcathearthome3.jpg (7469 bytes) girlcatheartnext3.jpg (7426 bytes)
girlcatheartline6.jpg (14508 bytes)


girlcatheartsign3.jpg (7488 bytes) girlcatheartview3.jpg (7477 bytes)

There are three different Fonts used on these buttons:  Book Antiqua, Black Chancery & Calligrapher.   If you do not find the buttons you need you may be able to make your own with these blanks below.


girlcatheartblank1.jpg (3056 bytes)


girlcatheartblank2.jpg (8161 bytes) girlcatheartblank3.jpg (6987 bytes)
girlcatheartline4.jpg (9823 bytes)

girlcatheartwelcome1.jpg (35500 bytes)


girlcatheartline2.jpg (11773 bytes)


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This Page has been visited by
Nice People.
New counter installed October 2010)


Background for this page
is an exclusive design by
Carol's Place

This Background is an Original of Carol's Place.
To check out more FREE backgrounds
Go to my Backgrounds Pages
by following this Link