A Flight of Green & Blue Fairies

from talented Deb Harris*

click to visit Deb Harris' great site

*Most of the graphics on this page are from the beautiful Wonderflight.com site.  But I have a few that are not.  Those will be clearly identified.  I just thought they all looked so great together that I chose to display them all on the same page.


Atinyflight.gif (24380 bytes)*


Luvsfairyglobe.gif (50184 bytes)

Courtesy of Luv's Creations Globes

fly.gif (20282 bytes)*

tarika1A.gif (66355 bytes).*


Carolgreenfairy.gif (164278 bytes)*


My name was 'added' to Deb Harris' lovely animated Green Fairy by my daughter, Debbie.



smallgreen.bmp (6118 bytes)* *

Lelabydebharris.bmp (77110 bytes)

Atinyflight.gif (24380 bytes) *
adoptfaeiry5.gif (7330 bytes) Sandfey will grant you and anyone who visits your site, a wish, if it is in her power.  She is very magical and will protect you from those who would steal your power. fairyflash.gif (32044 bytes)*


bwillow.gif (15939 bytes)*
Sandfey was adopted from the site of: 
Miss WillowFaeirySprite




leah.gif (52264 bytes)*


smallgreen2.bmp (4198 bytes)*



The tiny Fairy - chasing - my - name graphic was made for me by my daughter using a DebHarris  fairy.

Thanks, Debbie!

fairy.gif (26596 bytes)*
*scrollingCarol.gif (47472 bytes) .


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